1. "An Autumn Tale" / "Conte D'automne", Dir: Éric Rohmer, 1998
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"Conte D'automne" (Eng: "An Autumn Tale") marks the final part of Rohmer's themed film cycle "Tales of Four Seasons"..
2. An Autumn Tale (1998) | MUBI
Notebook Primer: Éric Rohmer ... While dramatizing the nuanced behavior of the individual, the films of Éric Rohmer maintained consistent themes and passionate ...
Magali is a widowed wine grower whose best friend, Isabelle, is concerned that she is lonely now that her daughter has grown up. Isabelle secretly decides that she must find her a new husband, and puts an advert in a lonely hearts column. When she looks for a suitable candidate, she finds Gerald.
3. An Autumn Tale (Conte d'automne, France 1998) - ITP Global Film
28 sep 2022 · An Autumn Tale (Conte d'automne, France 1998). Date: September 28, 2022Author: Roy Stafford 0 ...
Close to the Autumn equinox on September 22, MUBI brought us Éric Rohmer’s An Autumn Tale, completing its presentation of the director’s ‘Four Seasonal Tales’. This was the …
4. A Tale of Autumn (1998) - The Movie Database
Magali, forty-something, is a winemaker and a widow: she loves her work but feels lonely. Her friends Rosine and Isabelle both want secretly to find a husband ...
Magali, forty-something, is a winemaker and a widow: she loves her work but feels lonely. Her friends Rosine and Isabelle both want secretly to find a husband for Magali.
5. [FILM REVIEW] Autumn Tale (1998) by Éric Rohmer - Steemit
[FILM REVIEW] Autumn Tale (1998) by Éric Rohmer ... On a gray and dull October's day like this, what better way to spend it than watching a film with the title ...
On a gray and dull October's day like this, what better way to spend it than watching a film with the title Autumn… by steemswede
6. Conte d'automne (A Tale of Autumn) - Cinéma Moderne
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A series of little misunderstandings as only Rohmer knows how to do, this time exploring the sentimental relationships of middle-aged characters searching for love and understanding.
7. A Tale of Autumn (1998) directed by Éric Rohmer • Reviews, film + cast
Conte d'automne. Directed by Éric Rohmer. Synopsis. Magali, forty-something, is ... play love games on our own behalf and those of others. A Tale of ...
Magali, forty-something, is a winemaker and a widow: she loves her work but feels lonely. Her friends Rosine and Isabelle both want secretly to find a husband for Magali.
8. Magic Realism in Conte d'automne (Autumn Tale) - Senses of Cinema
4 apr 2000 · Rohmer's films captivate and arrest the viewer by the materiality andsensuality of the reality filmed: the sounds of birds chirping, the play of ...
Fiona Villella April 2000 Eric Rohmer
9. Autumn Tale [Conte d'automne] **** (1998, Marie Rivière, Béatrice ...
4 mrt 2020 · Autumn Tale [Conte d'automne] **** (1998, Marie Rivière, Béatrice Romand, Alain Libolt, Didier Sandre) – Classic Movie Review 9462. Autumn Tale ...
Autumn Tale [Conte d’automne] (1998) is the last of Éric Rohmer’s four seasonal tales, preceded by A Tale of Springtime, A Tale of Winter and A Summer’s Tale. It is the fourth fil…
10. AUTUMN TALE - Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews
For the 79-year-old Eric Rohmer (My Night at Maud's/Claire's Knee/Perceval le Gallois), who spent his career making films in the school of realism, it is the ...
11. An Autumn Tale - What's On MUBI?
An Autumn Tale. Unlimited. Watch on MUBI Play trailer. An Autumn Tale. Conte d'automne. Éric Rohmer, France, 1998. 112 mins. 7.8 / 10 (2495). 1. Romance Drama ...
Quickly find out which films MUBI is showing in 90+ different countries around the world!
12. Autumn Tale - Wikidata
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1998 film directed by Éric Rohmer
13. Conte d'automne (Eric Rohmer) | Ville de Luxembourg
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Conte d’automne .
14. Conte d'automne - Streaming: Watch movie online now. - Cinefile
Éric Rohmer, France, 1998o ... Magali is widowed and feels increasingly lonely. Her friend Isabelle therefore places a personal ad behind her back and meets ...
Magali is widowed and feels increasingly lonely. Her friend Isabelle therefore places a personal ad behind her back and meets Gérard. And because Rosine,...
15. Autumn Tale | Rotten Tomatoes
Autumn Tale [is] the final--and best--of Eric Rohmer's 1990s series Tales of the Four Seasons..what gives this romantic comedy a deeper charm, a special ...
French vineyard owner Isabelle (Marie Rivière) loves her craft and finds support in her friendships, but she hasn't been in a serious relationship since her husband died. Magali (Béatrice Romand), one of her oldest and dearest friends, decides to secretly put out a personal ad for Isabelle, which yields charming bachelor Gerald (Alain Libolt). However, Magali initially poses as Isabelle in order to meet Gerald and ensure he's the right man, which leads to multiple misunderstandings.
16. Conte d'automne - cinema - VPRO Gids
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In de openingsscène van dit laatste deel in de Contes des quatre saisons zoeft in de Zuid-Franse Drôme de herfstmistral door bomen en struiken. Zonder dat er een woord is gezegd heeft meester Rohmer de sfeer al geschilderd: de vermakelijke vertelling over eenzame wijnboerin Magali (Romand) die door boekhandelaarster-vriendin Isabelle (Rivière) middels heimelijke contactadvertentie aan de man wordt gebracht, kan beginnen. Ook deze Rohmer tintelt weer van de pikante dialogen en fijnzinnige observaties. De plagerig spannende gesprekken tussen Rivière (goddelijk) en Libolt (als de beoogde huwelijkskandidaat) zijn wondertjes van filmkunst zoals alleen Eric Rohmer ze kan brengen.
17. Autumn Tale, An (1998) - Eternality Tan
16 mei 2022 · A winner of Best Screenplay at Venice, Rohmer's final 'Four Seasons' entry is an incisive and revelatory take on finding romance at a much ...
A winner of Best Screenplay at Venice, Rohmer’s final ‘Four Seasons’ entry is an incisive and revelatory take on finding romance at a much older age, featuring two outstanding performances by Marie…
18. Autumn Tale movie review & film summary (1999) - Roger Ebert
Eric Rohmer's "Autumn Tale," which tells this story, is the latest in a long, rich series of films by the perceptive French director.
It is hard not to fall a little in love with Magali. A woman in her late 40s, heedless of makeup, dressed in jeans and a cotton shirt, forever pushing her
19. Autumn Tale (1998) : Eric rohmer - Internet Archive
28 feb 2021 · Autumn Tale (1998) ; Publication date: 1998 ; Topics: film, movie, cinema ; Language: French ; Item Size: 1.0G ; Addeddate: 2021-02-28 07:46:36.
20. AN AUTUMN TALE (Eric Rohmer, 1998) - Dennis Grunes
20 mei 2007 · Eric Rohmer's Autumn Tale (Conte d'automne) is hard, precise, witty, overflowing with humanity. Completing the quartet Tales of the Four ...
Eric Rohmer’s Autumn Tale (Conte d’automne) is hard, precise, witty, overflowing with humanity. Completing the quartet Tales of the Four Seasons (whose Tale of Winter may be Rohmer’s masterpi…
21. Conte d'automne | Danish Film Institute
Conte d'automne. Eric Rohmer, France, 1998. 110 min.Feature ... Original title, Conte d'automne. Danish title, Efterårseventyr. Director, Eric Rohmer. Screenplay ...
Movie type
29 feb 2024 · Four films make up a year's worth of light drama from French New Wave icon Éric Rohmer in a new set from the Criterion Collection.
Four films make up a year's worth of light drama from French New Wave icon Éric Rohmer in a new set from the Criterion Collection.
23. Autumn tale = Conte d'Automne | Eric Rohmer | 1998 | ACMI collection
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Episode number 4 of Series “Tales of the four seasons = Contes des quatre saisons”. The final instalment in Eric Rohmer’s “Tales of th..